Wednesday, May 29, 2013


This little cutie turned 1 year old today!  As you can tell in the adorable picture that my long time friend Heather (who had the same due date as me!) took, Declan LOVES cake.  He demolished that cake and we spent a long time cleaning up green icing out of his hair, behind his ears, in between his toes....  lots of icing!

The twins have both had pretty good nights.  Last night Miller got his second bottle and he took 27 ccs out of 29.  While he takes a bottle, the nurses watch for his heart rate and oxygen saturation.  Usually most babies at this gestational age get stressed out and really tired.  Their heart rates usually get high and their oxygen saturation usually drops.  But our little Miller man handled it so well- no change in heart rate or oxygen saturation!  He is doing so well on the bottle that he has been given the okay to have a bottle at every feeding.  This is a big deal!  He has skipped over the usual process of 1 bottle a day for a few days, then 2 bottles for a few days, then a bottle at every other feeding, etc.  The doctor said not to be surprised if he doesn't do this well after a few days since it is very tiring for babies to learn to take a bottle.  Hopefully Miller will keep up the good work!  We are so proud of him.  We were also told that they would soon be weening him out of the isolette into an open bed.  This is another really big step.  He has to learn how to keep his body temperature up.  When he gets moved into his new bed, we can start dressing him!  I am so excited to put some cute clothes and hats on our little guy!

Lucas has been resting and recovering the past few days.  Poor little guy has had a rough week.  He is doing better though, and the doctors are hoping to do the TE fistula surgery either the end of this week or early next week.  Thank you all for your continued prayers.  Please pray that Luke continues to recover well so that he can get this operation that he desperately needs.  Please pray for the surgeons and doctors working with him, that they have the wisdom and compassion that Luke needs.  Pray for God to calm Tom and me.  We are so nervous and scared for our little boy to have another surgery.  Pray that Lucas' lungs get better and that the chronic lung disease in his left lung clears up, since this is the only lung that is working well.  Pray that the antibiotics continue to work on the bacterial infection.  And pray that Miller continues to do well!

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