Thursday, May 9, 2013

A long night

Last night was probably the worst night of our lives so far.  Lucas had another episode where his stats went really bad.  We had just gotten to the hospital and everything went downhill.  The doctor came into the room and told us that we needed to think making some decisions about what to do if his stats go down again.  No parent should ever have to think about that kind of decision.  His doctor said he is more than maxed out on the types of support we can give him.  He is already on support levels enough for an adult.  They put him in a paralytic state to help things and have him very heavily sedated.

I held his sweet little hand and told him that as long as he wants to keep fighting, I would fight with him and for him.  But if the pain was too much and he needed to let go, I understood and I would see him someday in  

Currently he is in stable but very critical condition.  He is on a lot of medicines and support.  The next 24 hours are a critical time.  We definitely need all the prayers for these sweet boys that we can get.  Please pray specifically that his lungs recover as well as his kidneys (he went into kidney failure last night but it seems to be improving slightly, as he is producing small amounts of urine with a catheter).  Pray for peace for our family.  Pray pray pray that Lucas recovers from this and gets stronger each day.  Pray for his twin brother Miller who is doing better.  Pray for the amazing nurses and doctors who work with him daily.  Just please pray.  We believe in the power of prayer and that God can do things that surpass all understanding.  The name Lucas means "light" and I feel that his name fits him.  He lights up our lives.  He is amazing.

1 comment:

  1. Rebecca and Tom,
    We are praying for little Lucas and Miller, Praying in the name of King Jesus, that He will bring healing into their little bodies and strength to fight the fight. Peace and rest for them and their mommy and daddy. Supernatural wisdom for the doctors and nurses that are caring for them round the clock.We cry out for HEALING for little Lucas's lungs and kidneys and for Miller to OVERCOME the NEC that has invaded his body. Jesus you are our HEALER and our HOPE and in you we put our TRUST. In the name of King Jesus,
