I'm a day late in posting this. Our little twinkies turned 1 month old yesterday! I can't believe it's been a whole month already.
You are a whole month old now! You have overcome so much in your first month. You had a surgery when you were less than 24 hours old and were a champ! You have showed us just how much of a fighter you are. All the nurses and doctors at LeBonheur tell me you are such a fighter. You have more spirit and strength than anyone I know! Right now you weigh about 4 lbs, although some of that is swelling from fluids.
You are wearing a size XS-Preemie diaper, which surprisingly isn't the smallest diaper they have. Mommy and Daddy still haven't gotten to hold you yet, but Mommy got to take your temperature under your arm. You are currently on a regular ventilator at 30% oxygen, which is a big improvement from last week. Sometimes when we talk to you, you wiggle your little hands and feet and open your eyes. It completely melts our hearts! We are so proud of you little man! We love you so much!
You are one month old baby boy! You are such a funny and cute little guy. In the past month you have shown us your feisty and adorable little personality. You have no problem letting us know when you don't like something. Your biggest annoyance is getting your diaper changed. You don't like this at all! You love to sleep all stretched out with your arms above your head. You look just like your daddy when you sleep! You had NEC but a round of antibiotics has cleared that up and now you are eating like a champ. You absolutely love your pacifier and if it's not in your incubator you try to chew on anything that's around you. You are notorious for trying to pull your feeding tube out. You are in size XS-Preemie diapers. You weigh 3 lbs 15 oz. We love you, little fiesty man!
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