NICU and medical terms about the boys

Here are some terms that you may come across while reading our blog.  This just gives a general explanation, as I am by no means an expert on all of this.  I'm still learning it all myself.

NICU- Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

NEC- (necrotizing enterocolitis) This is a serious infection and inflammation of the gut that occurs primarily in premature babies.  There are 3 stages of NEC.  Miller was somewhere in between stage 1 and 2.  Luckily, all Miller needed was antibiotic treatment.  Sometimes NEC can require surgery.

MRSA- (methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus) A serious type of staph infection that doesn't respond to antibiotics typically used to treat staph.

TE fistula- (tracheoesophageal fistula)  This is an abnormal connection between the esophagus and trachea. Lucas has a TE fistula.

Esophageal atresia- a birth defect that causes the esophagus to end in an empty sac rather than connecting to the stomach.  Lucas has esophageal atresia.  He will soon need surgery to stretch the esophagus to the stomach and connect them.

PICC line- (peripherally inserted central catheter) a long small tube that is inserted into a vein for long term access.  Both boys have had a PICC line.  It decreased the number of sticks for IV lines for them.  Their PICC lines stayed in for a minimum of 20 days.

TPN- (total parenteral nutrition)  this is where a person is fed intravenoulsy through a PICC line.  Both boys have been fed via TPN at some point.  Lucas is currently still on TPN but will soon begin feedings of breast milk.  TPN is harder on the liver so they don't want him on it too long.

G-tube- (gastrostomy tube) a tube that is inserted into the stomach to feed someone long term.  It delivers food directly to the stomach.  This is a better long term option than a PICC line with TPN because TPN can be very hard on the liver and cause liver damage.  Some children have g-tubes for months, years, and even their whole lives.

MIC-KEY button- a type of g-tube.  It is easier to conceal and clean.  Many people who use a MIC-KEY button lead very active lifestyles.  Lucas got a MIC-KEY button recently.

**These are just a few of the things I can think of right now.  I will update this list as we go along**

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